At the beach, life is different. Time doesn’t move hour to hour but mood to moment. We live by the currents, plan by the tides and follow the sun.

Sandy Gingras


To prepare for your stay Deep Blue has been carefully inspected after each guest to insure everything is just right — from a squeaky clean kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, sparkly pool and hot tub, to the available computer monitor and printer in the Captain’s Watch (in case you need to work, booo!), Roku TVs and surround sound system… we truly want our oasis to feel like your home away from home. Please be sure you don’t accidentally remove something that is available for all guests to use and enjoy… most importantly, we want you to know that we love this place and spent months over the winter making it the perfect place for you to spend your time. We only ask that you take good care of Deep Blue, too.


We’d love to include a pic of you and all the fun you’re having in a gallery on our website. Get creative! Snap a family photo with Deep Blue in the background, and send it to us using the form below.

House Info


What’s the WiFi info?

Deep Blue’s network is called “deepblueobx”
The password is: 1998sandfiddler

How do we play music?

Use Bluetooth to connect to the SONY amplifiers, which are located in the main living room and in the games room. Simply turn it on, and from your mobile device connect to “STR-DH590”. Then, control the music from your mobile device by navigating to Pandora, Spotify, SiriusXM, etc, and play your favorite tunes. The music will play through the surround sound speakers. Control the volume from the amp, or from the volume on your mobile device.

How do I use the Roku TVs?

All of the Roku TVs are loaded with your favorite streaming apps: Netflix, Hulu, Prime, Disney+, etc. Simply navigate to your preferred service and login using your username & password. Don’t forget to logout before your departure.

When is the pool & hot tub serviced?

Before your arrival John, our pool manager, swung by to service the pool and hot tub ensuring the chemical balance is just right. He also vacuumed, and will stop by at some point mid-week to vacuum both the hot tub and pool again. For safety, please keep the gates closed at all times and only use plasticware on the pool deck.

How do I order one of your canvases for my home?

We’re so glad you’ve been admiring the images of our beloved beach and wildlife throughout Deep Blue, and feel honored that you’d like to order canvas artwork for the walls of your home! Each image was captured right outside our front steps, and to make things easy I can have your order drop-shipped to you. Learn more.

What should we do for checkout?

Though we hate to see you go, please follow the guidance that Sun Realty provided for your departure. This includes running the dishwasher, emptying the refrigerator, piling all linens & towels in front of the laundry area, and emptying the house of all garbage. Garbage is collected by our friend Cameron on Thursdays and Sundays. Please lock all windows and doors behind you.

Canvas for the Walls of Your Home

We’re honored that you’d like to order canvas artwork of our beloved beach and wildlife for the walls of your home! Each image was captured right outside our front steps. To make things easy any of the images in the slideshow below can be crafted into canvas artwork and drop-shipped to your home.


Useful Info

House Water

Tap water at Deep Blue comes from an iron-rich aquifer. These tannins contribute to the slight discoloration and fragrance. Treating the water to reduce the iron’s potency is very common in the Outer Banks. Though it’s safe to drink and regularly maintained by our friends TJ and Cory, using bottled water may be preferred — especially for cooking or brewing coffee.

Yard Poo & the Horses

One of the best indications that the horses have visited Deep Blue are the poo piles they leave behind. If you watch them closely, their poo behavior is a form of marking their territory. So, while we tried to clean out the yard it won’t be long before the horses claim their spot once again. This is what life is like in the 4x4, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Learn more horse etiquette.

Insects & Critters

Opening windows and doors mid-day for that amazing cross breeze and ocean sounds is so refreshing! But there are, however, lots of bugs and insects in the Carolinas — especially in the summer months. To help keep the a/c working efficiently (and the bugs, out), we recommend keeping windows and doors closed. Especially at dusk and during the night.

Garbage Collection

Our friend Cameron will swing by on Thursdays and Sundays to collect garbage from the bin holder at the end of the driveway.

Protect the Dunes

Please be careful not to climb, play on, or walk through the dunes as this activity is illegal. Not only do the dunes protect our homes from the possibility of flood damage, they are refuge for horses, turtles, native plants, and other unexpected wildlife like snakes.

While you’re at Deep Blue we hope that you’re happier than a seagull with a French fry. 💖 Anitra, Phil & Sophia